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Law of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms:

In accordance with law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, or delete any personal information concerning you at any time by sending an email to

Law of August 1, 2000, relating to freedom of communication:

This website is published by the company Audace

65 rue de Glasgow

Parc d’activité Artois-Flandres



Editorial manager:
Fabienne NUYTENS


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Collection of personally identifiable information:

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, we inform you that personally identifiable information collected from users via a form or other means cannot, under any circumstances, be transmitted, free of charge or for a fee, to third parties, whether individuals or legal entities. Ownership of rights: All elements of this website are the property of the publishers of this site, excluding elements originating from partners. The protection of the website is therefore subject to national and international legislation relating to intellectual property rights. Consequently, any reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution, in whole or in part, on any electronic or non-electronic medium, present or future, is prohibited without prior express authorization.

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